Laboratoire Génie de Production et Maintenance Industrielle

Dr. BOUHAMRI Noureddine

Maitre de conférences A

Fuzzy optimization strategy of the maximum power point tracking for a variable wind speed system

Belkacem Belkacem, Noureddine Bouhamri, Lahouari Abdelhakem Koridak, Ahmed Allali

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 12, IAES Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2022, p. 4264

Experimental and numerical analysis of a tribo-electrostatic separation process of micronized plastic particles using rotating disk electrodes

Noureddine Bouhamri, Seddik Touhami, Yassine Bellebna, Mohamed Elmouloud Zelmat, Amar Tilmatine

International Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 79, Taylor & Francis, 2022, pp. 922--934

Micronized plastic waste recycling using two-disc tribo-electrostatic separation process

Noureddine Bouhamri, Mohamed Elmouloud Zelmat, Amar Tilmatine

Advanced Powder Technology, vol. 30, Elsevier, 2019, pp. 625--631